Wed 28 May 2008
New MD at The Vernon Building Society Band

Alan Lawton MBE, has had to relinquish the post of MD of Vernon Building Society Poynton Band due to eyesight problems. The Band are pleased to announce the appointment of Kevin Gibbs as their new man at the helm.

Former MD of Flixton Band and more recently BMP Goodshaw Band. Kevin was solo trombone with both Black Dyke and Faireys for a number of years and has brought Flixton Band up through the sections with considerable success on the contest stage.

Kevin joins the Band following a creditable 3rd place at Butlins Mineworkers competition in January, at which he was asked to conduct the band, starting 2008 in style. The band just missed out on qualification for the Finals after a fine performance at the Area Contest conducted by Alan Lawton. Kevin then took the band again at Buxton Contest with Gregson’s Dances and Arias and gained another 3rd place against some very good competition.

The relationship between Alan Lawton and Poynton Band started 1974 and he has conducted the band through many successes. With his wealth of experience, Alan has proved extremely successful both with Poynton and other bands he has conducted and is very popular with the strong following Poynton has built up over the years. The Band has been very proud to have had Alan as their full-time conductor.

The Vernon Building Society Poynton Band would like to thank Alan Lawton for all his hard work and inspiration over the years.

Alan will still be involved with the band and Kevin is very much looking forward to working with him on several forthcoming projects.


Tue 20 May 2008
Slow Melody wins for Jimmy Tew

Despite Andy Lawton's hatred of the Iceberg, the piece has come up trumps again for Jimmy Tew (Eb Bass Player) at two recent slow melody contests.

On the 11th May he competed at Friendly (Sowerby Bridge) Contest and won both the veterans Section (7 entries) and the Open Section (13 entries). The judge was Sydney Swancott.

Veterans Section:
1. Jim Tew - Vernon BS (Poynton)
2. Ian Gill - YBC Concert Brass
3. Carol Caton - Friendly Band (Sowerby Bridge)

Veteran of the Day: Jim Tew, Vernon BS (Poynton)

Open Section:
1. Jim Tew - Vernon BS (Poynton)
2. Jonathan Bates - Thurlstone
3. Ian Gill - YBS Concert Brass

The 18th May he competed at Elland Contest, winning again the veterns section (4 entries) and the Open Section (15 entries). The judge was Richard Marshall, Black Dyke's principal cornet player.

1. Jim Tew (Vernon Building Society)
2. Jamie Smith (Grange Moor)
3. Philip Tait (Independent)

1. Jim Tew (Vernon Building Society)
2. Gordon Eddison (Independent)
3. John Clay (Clifton & Lightcliffe)

Well done Jimmy!


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